Total retardance measurements based on the complex Fourier coefficients for the rotating polarizer analyzer system. GA Parra-Escamilla, J Cervantes-L, JL Flores, DI Serrano-García
Complex Fourier demodulation approach for the dual rotation polarizer-analyzer polarimeter. J Cervantes-L, GAP Escamilla, JLF Núñez, DIS Garcia, Revista Mexicana de Física 69 (3 May-Jun), 031301 1–6-031301 1–6
Two concepts for ultra-high-resolution polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography with a single camera B Cense, R Maddipatla, JCL Lozano, C Joo, JOSA A 39 (7), 1295-1308.
Measurement of the optical phase using two simultaneous interferograms with a polarized Mach–Zehnder interferometer coupled to a replicator system A Quiroz, DI Serrano-García, G Reséndiz-López, A Monzalvo-Hernández, Optics communications 508, 127685.
Characterizations and Use of Recycled Optical Components for Polarizing Phase-Shifting Interferometry Applications JM Islas-Islas, G Reséndiz-López, JG Ortega-Mendoza, Photonics 9 (3), 125.
Fresnel Gaussian shape invariant applied to optical diffraction grating calculation, M Cywiak, D Cywiak, J Cervantes-L Optics Communications 480, 126479.
Fourier demodulation approach for a rotating polarizer analyzer polarimeter for retardance measurements DIS Garcia, FJC Lozano, GAP Escamilla, JLF Nuñez, GG Torales Optical Technology and Measurement for Industrial Applications Conference.
Michelson interferometer for phase shifting interferometry with a liquid crystal retarder YB Machuca-Bautista, M Strojnik, JL Flores, DI Serrano-García, Results in Optics 5, 100197.
Measurement in-plane deformations in electronic speckle pattern interferometry using phase-shifting modulated by polarization GA Gómez-Méndez, A Martínez-García, DI Serrano-García, Optics Communications 498, 127245.
Dynamic phase measurements employing a pixelated polarizing camera and temporal phase unwrapping algorithms Y Machuca, GA Parra-Escamilla, NIT Arellano, JL Flores. Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XXIX 11830, 131-136.
Least-squares gamma estimation in fringe projection profilometry A Muñoz, JL Flores, G Parra-Escamilla, LA Morales, S Ordones, M Servin. Applied Optics 60 (5), 1137-1142.
Integration of time-of-flight distance measurement and optical coherence tomography for extending its operating range JMF Sánchez, S Masaki, Y Shimamoto, J Cervantes, K Kagawa. Advanced Optical Imaging Technologies III 11549, 177-184.
Calibration approach for a rotating polarizer analyzer polarimeter for retardance measurements FJC Lozano, GA Parra-Escamilla, H Santiago-Hernández, JL Flores, Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XXVIII 11502, 188-194.
Dynamic parallel phase-shifting electronic speckle pattern interferometer NI Toto-Arellano, GA Gómez-Méndez, A Martínez-García, Y Otani, Applied Optics 59 (27), 8160-8166.
Imaging apparatus for obtaining image of polarizing film, inspection apparatus, and inspection method S Sasaki, I Suehiro, S Shibata, DIS Garcia, Y Otani. US Patent 10,746,664.
Single shot phase-shifting interferometry with q=±1 optical vortices and modulation of polarization G Rodríguez-Zurita, AG Calderón-Hernández, LA Rendón-Delgado, Optics & Laser Technology 128, 106199.
Phase stepping through polarizing modulation in electronic speckle pattern interferometry GA Gómez-Méndez, G Rodríguez-Zurita, A Martínez-García, Y Otani. Applied Optics 59 (20), 6005-6011.
Pixelated polarizing system for dynamic interferometry events employing a temporal phase unwrapping approach GA Parra-Escamilla, DI Serrano-García, JL Flores, Y Otani. Optics Communications 458, 124862.
Development of a dynamic interferometer using recycled components based on polarization phase shifting techniques JMI Islas, VH Flores-Muñoz, DI Serrano-García, JG Ortega-Mendoza. Optics & Laser Technology 123, 105915.
Experimental study of inner structure in Infrared supercontinuum generation pumped by multi-pulse dynamics H Santiago-Hernández, B Ibarra-Escamilla, O Pottiez, M Durán-Sánchez. Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XXVII 11128, 244-249 .
Retinal imaging with optical coherence tomography and low‐loss adaptive optics using a 2.8‐mm beam size R Maddipatla, J Cervantes, Y Otani, B Cense. Journal of Biophotonics 12 (6), e201800192.
Retardance parameters measurements by employing a rotating polarizer-analyzer polarimeter H Macias-Mendoza, DI Serrano-García, JL Flores, GG Torales. Polarization Science and Remote Sensing IX 11132, 1113213 .
Retardance parameters measurements by employing a rotating polarizer-analyzer polarimeter H Macias-Mendoza, DI Serrano-García, JL Flores, GG Torales. SPIE proceedings, SPIE OPTICAL ENGINEERING + APPLICATIONS 11132, 1113213-1-7.
Correction to: Dynamic Mach–Zehnder interferometer based on a Michelson configuration and a cube beam splitter system AM Pérez, G Rodríguez-Zurita, VH Flores-Muñoz, G Parra-Escamilla. Optical Review 26 (6), 719-719.
Dynamic Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on a Michelson configuration and a cube beam splitter system A Montes Perez, G Rodriguez-Zurita, VH Flores-Munoz. Optical Review 26 (2), 231-240 .
Phase stepping through polarizing modulation in electronic speckle pattern interferometry GA Gómez-Méndez, G Rodríguez-Zurita, A Martínez-García, Y Otani. Applied Optics 59 (20), 6005-6011.
Pixelated polarizing system for dynamic interferometry events employing a temporal phase unwrapping approach GA Parra-Escamilla, DI Serrano-García, JL Flores, Y Otani. Optics Communications 458, 124862.
Development of a dynamic interferometer using recycled components based on polarization phase shifting techniques JMI Islas, VH Flores-Muñoz, DI Serrano-García, JG Ortega-Mendoza. Optics & Laser Technology 123, 105915.
Analysis of a passive component signal by means of optical coherence tomography system J Cervantes-L, M Shunya, Y Shimamoto, Y Hayasaki. JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia, 19p_221B_2.
A 2.8-mm beam diameter system for retinal imaging with OCT and adaptive optics M Reddikumar, J Cervantes, Y Otani, B Cense. Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference 10711, 28-31 .
Temporal measurements of transparent samples with four simultaneous interferograms by using a Mach–Zehnder interferometer. NI Toto-Arellano, DI Serrano-García, G Rodríguez-Zurita, AM Pérez, Optics Communications 429, 80-87 .
Retardance polarization measurement based on a dual rotating polarizer arrangement DI Serrano-García, H Macías-Mendoza, JL Flores, G García-Torales. Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XXVI 10765, 179-186.
Multiwavelength wavefront detection based on a lateral shear interferometer and polarization phase-shifting techniques DI Serrano-Garcia, NI Toto-Arellano, GA Parra-Escamilla, AM García. Applied Optics 57 (24), 6860-6865.
Interferometric measurements of phase objects by using a simultaneous polarizing phase shifting Mach-Zehnder interferometer L Garcia-Lechuga, B Canales-Pacheco, G Resendiz-Lopez, JMS Solorio. Interferometry XIX 10749, 409-414.
Dynamic interferometric measurements employing a pixelated polarization sensor and FFT spatial-temporal filtering techniques DI Serrano-García, Y Otani. Interferometry XIX 10749, 276-283.
Pupil size stability of the cubic phase mask solution for presbyopia CA Gomez, EA Plaza, J Arines-Piferrer. Journal of biomedical optics 23 (1), 015002.
Temporal measurements of transparent samples with four simultaneous interferograms by using a Mach–Zehnder interferometer NI Toto-Arellano, DI Serrano-García, G Rodríguez-Zurita, AM Pérez. Optics Communications 429, 80-87.
Multiwavelength wavefront detection based on a lateral shear interferometer and polarization phase-shifting techniques DI Serrano-Garcia, NI Toto-Arellano, GA Parra-Escamilla, AM García. Applied Optics 57 (24), 6860-6865.
Ultra-high resolution polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography for imaging of the retinal nerve fiber layer B Cense, M Reddikumar, J Cervantes. Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference 10251, 71-73.
Ultra-high resolution polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography for imaging of the retinal nerve fiber layer B Cense, M Reddikumar, J Cervantes. Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference 10251, 71-73.
Geometrical Thickness Measurement of Thin Films by a Transmitted Gaussian Beam M Cywiak, O Olvera-R, J Cervantes-L. Emerging Challenges for Experimental Mechanics in Energy and Environmental.
Optical path difference measurements with a two-step parallel phase-shifting interferometer based on a modified Michelson configuration NI Toto-Arellano, DI Serrano-Garcia, G Rodriguez-Zurita. Optical Engineering 56 (9), 094107.
Accuracy enhancement of dual rotating mueller matrix imaging polarimeter by diattenuation and retardance error calibration approach K Bhattacharyya, DI Serrano-García, Y Otani. Optics Communications 392, 48-53.
Three-dimensional movement analysis for near infrared system using stereo vision and optical flow techniques GAP Escamilla, DIS Garcia, Y Otani. Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference 10251, 81-82.
Dynamic phase measurements based on a polarization Michelson interferometer employing a pixelated polarization camera DI Serrano-Garcia, Y Otani. Advanced Optical Technologies 6 (1), 47-51.
Wavefront coding for visual optics E Acosta, J Arines, C Almaguer. Third International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics 10453.
Use of a cubic phase plate as solution for moderate astigmatism: preliminary study, C Almaguer, J Arines. Optica pura y aplicada 50 (2), 155-163.
Potential use of cubic phase masks for extending the range of clear vision in presbyopes: initial calculation and simulation studies J Arines, C Almaguer, E Acosta Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 37 (2), 141-150.
Corrección de presbicia y astigmatismo con elementos de Fase Cúbica C Almaguer Gómez.
Three-dimensional surface measurement based on the projected defocused pattern technique using imaging fiber optics GAP Escamilla, F Kobayashi, Y Otani. Optics Communications 390, 57-60 .
Influence of coherence length, signal-to-noise ratio, log transform, and low-pass filtering on layer thickness assessment with OCT in the retina NM Jansonius, J Cervantes, M Reddikumar, B Cense. Biomedical optics express 7 (11), 4490-4500.
Mueller-matrix modeling and characterization of a dual-crystal electro-optic modulator. J Cervantes-L, DI Serrano-Garcia, Y Otani, B Cense. Optics Express 24 (21), 24213-24224.
Enhanced intensity variation for multiple-plane phase retrieval using a spatial light modulator as a convenient tunable diffuser PF Almoro, QD Pham, DI Serrano-Garcia, S Hasegawa, Y Hayasaki. Optics Letters 41 (10), 2161-2164.
Is wavefront coding an alternative to adaptive optics for retinal imaging. E Acosta, J Arines, C Almaguer-Gómez, S Bosch, S Vallmitjana. 2016 15th Workshop on Information Optics (WIO), 1-3.
3D surface measurement using uni-axis image fiber system GAP Escamilla, 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 2016 年度精密工学会春季大会, 1025-1026.
Phase sensitive computer tomographic measurement using a pixelated phase mask interferometry technique DI Serrano-Garcia, Y Otani. 2015 2nd International Conference on Opto-Electronics and Applied Optics .
Mueller-matrix modeling and characterization of a dual-crystal electro-optic modulator. J Cervantes-L, DI Serrano-Garcia, Y Otani, B CMueller matrix polarimeter with diattenuation error calibration approach K Bhattacharyya, DI Serrano-García, Y Otani. Advances in Optical Science and Engineering, 363-373 .
Spreading Optics in the primary school A Gargallo, AI Gómez-Varela, H Gónzalez-Nuñez, T Delgado. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 605 (1), 012040.
Measurement of glucose concentration in a thin turbid medium by a transmitted Gaussian beam J Cervantes-L, M Cywiak, O Olvera-R, D Cywiak. Optics Communications 331, 239-243.
Refractive index and geometrical thickness measurement of thin optical samples by a transmitted Gaussian beam O Olvera-R, M Cywiak, J Cervantes-L, D Cywiak. Applied Optics 53 (30), 6993-6998.
Refractive index and geometrical thickness measurement of a transparent pellicle in air by Gaussian beam defocusing O Olvera-R, M Cywiak, J Cervantes-L, A Morales. Applied Optics 53 (11), 2267-2272.
Enhanced multiple-plane phase retrieval using spatial light modulator as diffuser PF Almoro, M Takeda, QD Pham, DI Serrano-Garcia, S Hasegawa. Proceedings of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas, SPP2014-3C-07.
Single shot interferometry using a two-interferogram phase shifting algorithm DI Serrano-García, A Martinez-García, NI Toto-Arellano, Y Otani. Advanced Optical Technologies 3 (4), 401-406.
Single Shot Phase Shifting Interferometry based on Polarization Techniques. DIS García.
Dynamic temperature field measurements using a polarization phase-shifting technique DI Serrano-García, A Martínez-García, NI Toto-Arellano Sr, Y Otani. Optical Engineering 53 (11), 112202.
Optics activity for hospitalized children A Gargallo, AI Gómez-Varela, H González-Nuñez, T Delgado. Second International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics.
Defocusing properties of Gaussian beams for measuring refractive index of thin transparent samples J Cervantes-L, M Cywiak, O Olvera-R, A Morales. Optics Communications 309, 108-113 .
Parallel two-step phase shifting interferometry using a double cyclic shear interferometer NI Toto-Arellano, DI Serrano-García, A Martínez-García. Optics express 21 (26), 31983-31989 .
Two step parallel phase shifting interferometry using a double cyclic shear interferometer NI Toto-Arellano, DI Serrano-García. 8th Iberoamerican Optics Meeting and 11th Latin American Meeting on Optics.
4D phase profile measurements using a single-shot phase shifting technique NI Toto-Arellano, A Montes-Pérez, AM García, D Serrano-García. Optifab 2013 8884, 530-535 .
Single Shot Phase Shifting Interferometry Using a Two-Interferograms Phase Shifting Algorithm DI Serrano-Garcia, Y Otani, A Martinez-Garcia, NI Toto-Arellano CIOMP-OSA Summer Session on Optical Engineering, Design and Manufacturing, Tu5.
Dynamic phase profile of a thin flame using a single-shot polarizing phase shifting interferometry NI Toto-Arellano, D Serrano-García, L García-Lechuga, MM Gómez. Adaptive Optics: Methods, Analysis and Applications, JTu4A. 31 .
Measurement of the dynamic phase profile of transparent fluids NI Toto-Arellano, DI Serrano-García, A Martínez-García. Optica Pura y Aplicada 46, 21-28.
Dynamic phase profile of phase objects based in the use of a quasi-common path interferometer DI Serrano-García, NI Toto-Arellano, A Martínez-García, JAR Álvarez. Optik 123 (19), 1742-1745.
Dynamic phase profile of phase objects based in the use of a quasi-common path interferometer DI Serrano-García, NI Toto-Arellano, A Martínez-García, JAR Álvarez. Optik 123 (19), 1742-1745.
Single shot phase shifting techniques for 4D radial slope measurements of transparent samples NI Toto-Arellano, DI Serrano-García, A Martínez García. Revista mexicana de física 58 (4), 335-338.
Radial Slope Measurement of Transparent Samples NI Toto-Arellano, DI Serrano-García, G Rodríguez-Zurita. Applied Industrial Optics: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Metrology, JTu5A. 20.
Adjustable-window grating interferometer based on a Mach-Zehnder configuration for phase profile measurements of transparent samples DI Serrano-García, A Martínez-García, JA Rayas-Alvarez, NIT Arellano. Optical Engineering 51 (5), 055601.
Simultaneous Phase Shifting Shearing Interferometry for Measurement of Static and Dynamic Phase Objects. NI Toto-Arellano, DI Serrano-García, A Martínez-García. Interferometry-Research and Applications in Science and Technology.
Experimental π phase-shifts observed in the Fourier spectra of phase gratings and applications in simultaneous PSI NI Toto-Arellano, G Rodríguez-Zurita, A Martínez-García. Interferometry-Research and Applications in Science and Technology.
Radial slope measurement of dynamic transparent samples DI Serrano-García, NI Toto-Arellano, A Martínez-García, GR Zurita Journal of Optics 14 (4), 045706 .
Dynamic phase profile of phase objects based in the use of a quasi-common path interferometer DI Serrano-García, NI Toto-Arellano, A Martínez-García, JAR Álvarez. Optik 123 (19), 1742-1745.
Dynamic Phase Profile of phase objects NI Toto-Arellano, DI Serrano-García, A Martínez-García. Meeting 2012 (MOPM 2012), 114.
Simultaneous phase shifting interferometry based in a Mach Zehnder interferometer for measurement of transparent samples DI Serrano-García, NI Toto-Arellano, A Martínez-García. 22nd Congress of the International Commission for Optics.
Slope measurement of a phase object NI Toto-Arellano, A Martínez-García, JA Rayas-Álvarez. 22nd Congress of the International Commission for Optics.
4D profile of phase objects through the use of a simultaneous phase shifting quasi-common path interferometer NI Toto-Arellano, DI Serrano-García, AM García, GR Zurita. Journal of Optics 13 (11), 115502 .
Radial slope measurements of transparent samples using phase shifting interferometry by polarization DI Serrano-García, NI Toto-Arellano, A Martínez-García. Eighth Symposium Optics in Industry 8287, 301-306.
Single shot phase shifting interferometry for measurement of transparent samples DI Serrano-García, NI Toto-Arellano, A Martínez-García. Dimensional Optical Metrology and Inspection for Practical Applications.
Simultaneous phase-shifting cyclic interferometer for generation of lateral and radial shear DI Serrano-García, NI Toto-Arellano, A Martínez García, JA Rayas Álvarez. Revista mexicana de física 57 (3), 255-258.
Medición de Topografía de Superficies Difusas y Especulares por Técnicas de Proyección y Reflexión de Franjas DIS García.
Topography measurement of specular and diffuse surfaces DIS García, AM García, JA Rayas-Alvarez. Reflection, Scattering, and Diffraction from Surfaces II 7792, 351-358.
Photoacoustic characterization of human skin phantom with superficial anomalies: Preliminary results R Pérez‐Solano, FJ Cervantes‐Lozano, R Chiu‐Zarate, R Huerta‐Franco. AIP Conference Proceedings 1032 (1), 265-267.
Application of MULTIFAN-CL in the stock assessment of albacore D García, V Restrepo, H Arrizabalaga, C Palma, I Mosqueira. ICCAT Collective Volume of Scientific Papers 56 (6), 1391-1401.